Probation Violations Lawyer & Attorney
Do you or a family member have a probation violation in the Pomona California Superior Court? A Los Angeles County probation violation is a serious matter and the court upon hearing your probation violation matter may issue jail or prison time depending on the underlying nature of the original criminal case. It is important that you hire an experienced Pomona California Criminal Defense Lawyer upon notice of your probation violation. Probation violations in Los Angeles County can be issued for failing to pay fines associated with your underlying criminal conviction, not completing jail or work release programs in Los Angeles, and for various other reasons.
Pomona California Criminal Defense Attorney & Lawyer
Our Pomona California probation violation always offers a FREE initial phone consultation in which our Pomona California criminal defense lawyer will evaluate your probation violation case. If you or a loved one is facing a serious charge such as probation violation please contact our San Bernardino probation violation lawyer today for a FREE consultation. Call today to protect your legal rights.