Montclair California DUI Lawyer
We understand that a Montclair California drunk driving or DUI arrest can have long term consequence on your personal and professional life. Losing your ability to drive and when your California employer finds out about your drunk driving arrest we understand there may be repercussion including losing your employment. If you have you been arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Montclair California you will need and experienced Montclair California DUI attorney on your side. We are a San Bernardino based DUI law firm dedicated to assisting individuals and their families fight drunk driving charges in Montclair California. We know California DUI laws and we can help you fight your DUI case. most Montclair California DUI's require you to appear in the Rancho Cucamonga Superior Court. We have regularly appeared in all San Bernardino County Criminal courts so call us today to discuss your drunk driving arrest.
DUI Attorney in Montclair California
OurSan Bernardino based DUI law office is located in Rancho Cucamonga California. Right next to the Rancho Cucamonga Courthouse. Our Montclair DUI lawyer regularly appears in all criminal courts throughout San Bernardino county. Call our Rancho Cucamonga DUI law office today for a FREE consultation. We always offer a FREE consultation to prospective DUI clients. Call today to protect your rights.
Drunk Driving Attorney in Montclair California
If you have been arrested for DUI in Montclair California you will need to ensure that you schedule a DMV hearing within 10-days of your San Bernardino DUI arrest. You may suffer severe consequences if you fail to schedule your DMV APS hearing within 10 days of your Montclair DUI arrest. If you become a DUI client our San Bernardino DUI law office will set this appointment for you and defend you at the DMV hearing.
Criminal Defense Lawyer in Montclair California
Have you been charged with Felony DUI in Montclair or San Bernardino County. Felony criminal charges are the most severe criminal charges one can face in California. It is vitally important that you retain an experienced Felony DUI lawyer to fight your felony charges. A felony DUI conviction could result in State prison incarceration. Call today for a FREE Felony DUI consultation.