California Bribery Criminal Defense Lawyers & Attorneys
Have you or a loved one been charged with bribery in California. If so, you will need the assistance of an experienced criminal defense lawyer to handle your California bribery case. Whether you have been charged or are being investigagted for bribery of a politial official, a law enforcement agency or officer, a judge or civil attorney, a witness or, a member of a jury you will need expert criminal defense legal help.
Riverside & San Bernardino Criminal Defense Lawyers & Attorneys
Our office is located in Ontario California, which is commonly referred to as the Inland Empire. However, we handle cases throughout Riverside, San Bernardino, Los Angeles, and Orange County and San Diego. Our bribery defense lawyer always offers a FREE initial consultation. A bribery conviction could result in a long-term prison sentence, county jail time, fines and penalties, as well as probation or parole.
Pre-Charge Investigation for Bribery
If you are being investigated for commercial or political bribery or any other type of bribery in the State of California please call our criminal defense lawyer today to discuss ways that we can help in the pre-charge investigation process.