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What Do You Do After a San Bernardino County DUI


What steps should i take after being arrested in San Bernardino County California for drunk driving or DUI?

If you have been arrested for drunk driving in San Bernardino County California you will want to talk to a DUI lawyer in San Bernardino County. Most DUI lawyers will provide a FREE phone consultation. During this phone consultation most DUI lawyers will give you the basics on how your DMV and criminal hearings will go and what type of penalties you may be facing if convicted of a misdemeanor DUI in San Bernardino County. You will also want to keep in mind that you have 10 days from the date of your DUI arrest to schedule your DMV hearing. If you fail to schedule your DMV hearing the DMV will automatically suspended your California drivers license. if you decide to hire a San Bernardino County DUI lawyer your lawyer will more than likely schedule the DMV hearing for you assuming you hire your lawyer before the 10 day DMV expiration. It is always wise to hire a DUI lawyer for your DMV and criminal hearings. If you have been arrested and charged with drunk driving in San Bernardino County feel free to give our San Bernardino County DUI lawyer a call to discuss your legal rights.